Payment for services provided to you is ultimately your responsibility. For your convenience, we accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.

All New Self Pay patients will be required to make a deposit of $100 to $250 before being seen by any of our providers.
If you are self-pay, you will be expected to pay the day’s charges on the day of the service. When you pay at time of service you will be given a discount on eligible services. There may be additional charges for tests and other services rendered subsequent to your visit. You will be billed for these items. If you are having a surgery, you will be expected to make mutually agreeable payment arrangements prior to receiving the service. If the service is considered elective, payment must be made in full prior to the services being performed.
Note: We do not fill out FMLA and/or disability forms for cosmetic plastic surgery.
Questions or concerns regarding your account should be directed to our office. Highly-trained experts have been instructed to make every effort to clarify any misunderstanding or confusion you may have concerning your account, (615) 921-2111.
Our statements include charges billed, the payments and adjustments related to those charges. Patients with a personal balance will receive a monthly statement showing the specific amounts due. Patient balances are due upon receipt. Upon receipt of your statement if you are unable to make payment in full please contact our billing office to make payment arrangements. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our billing office, (615) 921-2111. If the patient is 18 years of age or older, that patient will be responsible for his or her own account; therefore, she or he will receive her or his own statement.
Past-due accounts cost both time and money; therefore, patients with delinquent accounts will be required to make payment and/or payment arrangements.
Seriously past due accounts – those older than 90 days or those failing to honor agreed-upon payment terms – will be sent to a collection agency. If your account is sent to a collection agency you must pay all collection agency fees, plus any fees associated with the collection of this account. Additionally, patients can be dismissed from our practice for financial matters and will have to seek their health care elsewhere.
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